O Entroido (Carnival) in Spain
While studying in Vigo, we traveled to nearby Xinzo. Celebrating Carnival in Xinzo was very memorable. Through research I have learned that there are four or five regions of Spain in particular known for their Carnival celebrations. Galicia’s is less flashy, and can differ even town to town. Carnival is the most important festival of the year in Xinzo de Limia. The town hosts Europe’s longest Carnival celebration, spreading over 5 weeks. Here, you’ll encounter the pantallas, dressed in masks and capes, carrying vejigas hinchadas (inflated bladders) from cows.
At the time, I wasn’t sure what was occurring with all the cultural practices. One of the biggest practices I noticed was a stuffed scarecrow-like man hanging from the ceiling of the pavilion, and I have not been able to find any information on the practice.

Our Experience
Erasmus, the international student exchange group hosted events for international student outreach, outings, parties, and events. One event they hosted was to celebrate Carnival in the small town Xinzo. My friends and I each found costumes, making it feel like I was celebrating Halloween during the opposite time of the year. Two of us dressed up as mariquitas-ladybugs.

The day to celebrate, we hopped on the bus and headed to Xinzo. The plaza was filled with live music, dancing, and people streamed throughout the bars with endless food and drink. Bars were giving out free shots of the regional drink, licor café -coffee liquor. We found one bar that gave each of us 3-4. I talk more about it in my post 12 Foods You Need to Eat in Vigo, Spain.

The experience was an interesting one, and not fully positive. We ended up staying in Xinzo for 12 hours, 4pm to 4am. During winter, Galicia is wet, chilly, and nearly constantly raining. If we hadn’t been there for as long as we were, and cold, we would have enjoyed ourselves much better. One of the bars had padded bench seats, and for the last few hours of the evening we attempted sleeping on them as the rest of the partygoers filtered in and out, staring at us. The day/night ended with us returning to Vigo and walking to our apartments after the sun had risen, ready for bed.

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